The Power of ACE, A Coaches Perspective

The Power of ACE, A Coaches Perspective

I’ve been with ACE for about nine years, and this summer marked the first time I assisted in facilitating the students’ onboarding week. The Onboarding Program is designed to simulate the first semester of college and is an intensive week where students learn essential skills for college success.

During Onboarding, I got to know each student in ways I wouldn’t have otherwise. Within the five days, I observed how they worked together, overcame their challenges, and the positive impact of the ACE Program on their development. I met students who were quiet but determined, others who were outgoing and full of energy, and some who were natural leaders. As an ACE Coach, I can now refer back to the material we both explored during Onboarding whenever a challenge arises. 

As an ACE Coach and facilitator for the Onboarding Program, I learned just as much from the students, and more importantly, I left the experience feeling like a better coach. The students learned to apply the four ACE Pillars, which are self-manage, self-direct, self-correct, self-advocate, and the Growth Mindset as essential tools for their success. As I read the textbook given to the students, I was impressed by the content. It contains strategies for managing procrastination, setting goals, studying and test-taking strategies, and social and emotional skills. They weren’t just learning skills and techniques for collegeā€”they were acquiring tools for life.

My mentor, Dr. Bruce Jackson, used to say, “School is a journey, not a race. You don’t want to finish fast; you want to finish well.” The same applies to ACE Scholars. Like many of our ACE students, I was the first in my family to go to college and earn a degree. I knew little about how to navigate higher education. It took me 12 years to complete my studies and earn my doctorate in molecular and cellular biology. I faced numerous challenges along the way, from financial struggles to self-doubt. But I persevered, finding the right people to guide me along the way. I also had to learn a lot, like how to study, take tests, and overcome procrastination. These were all struggles I faced and overcame independently. Fortunately, ACE students receive guidance from their coaches to navigate these challenges, apply the four ACE Pillars, and more.

It is deeply rewarding to coach students to take control of their academic experience and excel. As their guide on the side, I help them build confidence and achieve their goals with grit and tenacity by applying the tools and strategies they learn in the ACE Program. Students learn how to finish well, regardless of how long it takes them to finish. School, like life, is a journey, not a race.

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