My 1st Year As An ACE Coach
When Saying Yes Leads You Down a Path You Could Not Have Imagined
I followed the ACE program through the newsletters and blogs Lorita would encourage supporters and donors to read. As a result, I fell in love with ACE and was so impressed with the program and the strides the students were making as they reached their goals. So, when asked to become a coach for ACE, I was going in with some exposure to the program and thought, “I’ll be a coach- cool.” I will spend this much time coaching- the commitment was doable.
I went in expecting to coach students, but I could not have imagined what I would gain in return!
I thought I would coach the students through the four ACE pillars, check in on their grades, and have a nice and tidy bi-weekly call. I didn’t know how invested I would become and how much I would root for the success of each student. It makes my day when they “get it” and recognize and acknowledge the pillars they’ve used when trying to find a solution to an issue.
As an ACE coach, I give each student my undying commitment, compassion, and enthusiasm for their well-being. Through my coaching and the help of the ACE pillars, I hope that I am moving them from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, which allows them to be curious and open to the possibility that all things are possible and that they can thrive and achieve greatness wherever they are in college or life.
Working with the other ACE coaches, I’ve gained an extended network of friends/family. The camaraderie is amazing, and our genuine admiration and respect for one another is palpable. I witness faith in action whenever we say a purposeful prayer for each other.
If you’re considering becoming an ACE coach- stop thinking about it and say yes. The experience has been invaluable and one that I could not have imagined!